My Story


Hello! Hola! Salut!

Welcome to “A Mid 20s Night’s Dream,” the tale of my journey as I pursue my MBA as a part time student and a full time digital marketing maven.

To start, my name is Katherine Jacoby. Some call me Kat, my siblings call me Smurf, Shorty, and any other variation of short jokes they come up with, but most just stick with Katherine. I am a product of Michigan living in Metro Detroit after spending seven years in St. Louis, Mo. Four of those years were spent at Saint Louis University (Go Billikens!). I moved back to Michigan in December 2014 to be closer to family and pursue a new career opportunity.

So why am I writing about my journey through my MBA? When I graduated from undergrad, I had a goal to complete my MBA by the time I was 30. When I turned 26 last summer I figured it was about time to start on that goal. I applied and was accepted to Wayne State University in Detroit and started my first classes in Fall 2015. It was a little weird to be back in class, but also unexpectedly exciting to begin this new chapter.Writing has always been my way of clearing my head, organizing my thoughts, and managing my stress. In the past, that has been in the form of a journal. However, as I progress in my career I have found that reading or discussing the experiences of others can be quite helpful and even provide a bit of a beacon when things get too stressful. So, for those of y0u who choose to follow my journey, even if it is just a check in once in a while, I hope I can add a smile to your day or a bit of inspiration.



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The Highlight Reel: 10 Fun Facts About Katherine

  1. My family calls me the “Ultimate Optimist.” I have been an optimist since I was a kid and even through hard times, I have held onto that mindset. Hopefully you will see that on this blog.
  2. I am the oldest of 3 siblings, but I am the shortest by about six inches. Hence the short jokes that accompany any time spent with my family.
  3. I am a die hard Detroit Red Wings Fan. There may have been some tears when they lost to the Pens in 2009.
  4. I am of Irish and German heritage but I cannot drink beer due to a hops intolerance. Bonus fact, my parents neglected to inform me of this possible intolerance before I went to college. Found that one out the hard way (after my 21st birthday even!).
  5. I swam competitively for twelve years and coached for two. I started the swim team at my high school in 2004, competing alone until my senior year and now watching them compete with a double digit sized team.
  6. I love to be on the water. My family owns a 30 foot sailboat now named Flash but to me she will always be Boomerang. My dad races several times a week in the summer and I have started to join him since moving back to Michigan.
  7. I was a “band geek” in high school, playing the flute in marching, concert, and pep band. The uniforms may be a little goofy, but I loved it. I still pull out my flute for musical relaxation once in a while.
  8. My German Shepard mix Tucker is my best bud. Follow him on Instagram (@Tuckerfluff) for all his shenanigans and puppy eye photos.
  9. I love literature (in case you couldn’t guess from the title of this blog). Pride & Prejudice is my favorite novel, though To Kill A Mockingbird and Persuasion are also up there.
  10. Writing ten facts about myself was harder than I thought it would be!